Program Themes
Sub themes (** indicative themes and content)
1. Environmental accessibility
- New strategies and technology for barrier-free environments (indoors and outdoors)
- Guidelines for accessible public transportation
- Strategies developed regarding the «green trend» (e.g., silent cars, extended curbs, cyclists)
- Effective strategies for universal accessibility
2. Intervention for the older population
- Effective intervention programs and strategies for this growing population
- impact of early intervention, group intervention, and fall prevention programs (e.g., exercise programs and home adaptations)
- adapted strategies for the geriatric clientele
- Development of visual perception and eccentric viewing for travel
- Rehabilitation strategies and age-related cognitive processes
3. O&M rehabilitation for physical, cognitive, behavioral, and / or sensory impairments
- Rehabilitation strategies for specific impairment areas (e.g., cochlear implants and street crossings)
- Neurological vision rehabilitation programs following acquired brain injury (ABI) (e.g., traumatic brain injury, stroke), including scanning therapy and strategies for visual perception, hemianopsia, and spatial neglect
4. Intervention / approach in rehabilitation and O&M
- Intervention with different clienteles (infants and children, adults, people with retinitis pigmentosa, deaf blind, etc.)
- Value of use of an ecosystemic model in planning individual services
- Innovation in service delivery models
- Professional preparation programs
5. Guide dogs intervention and present challenges
- Experiences with specific or challenging clienteles (e.g., children, wheel chair users)
- Innovative guide dog training techniques
- Expanding the dog skills to address challenges in today’s environment
- Guide dog users in the electronic age
6. Driving rehabilitation programs
- Role of the O&M practitioner in the driving rehabilitation program
- Driving simulators
- Challenges within the rehabilitation program (e.g., hemianopsia, older clientele)
7. Working together: the interdisciplinary approach
The value of an interdisciplinary approach for improved rehabilitation outcomes. Possible areas of interest:
- The elderly population
- Barrier-free environments
- Accessible technology
- Transportation
Disciplines may include: ophthalmology, optometry, vision therapy, audiology, occupational therapy, physical therapy, psychosocial disciplines, engineering, architecture, urban planning, etc.
8. Orientation and Mobility in different countries
- Sharing of information on services profiles in different countries
- Tricks and astute strategies in a variety of environments (e.g., remote areas in Africa, Asia, Middle East, South America, remote Northern regions, etc.)
- O&M challenges around the world and the role of the World Blind Union in 190 countries.
9. Innovative technologies
- Innovative high tech and low tech technology for O & M, such as:
- intelligent phone applications, such as IPhone and IPad
- virtual environments for the development of perception and orientation
- use of technology in planning O&M services
- Use of game technology in cognitive rehabilitation
10. Medical advancements
- Overview of the state of the art in visual prostheses (implants and non-surgical devices)
- Approaches to functional vision assessment and intervention